4 Thin Hair Styling Secrets

It’s not too late to add some volume to your hair!

Have you been noticing your hair isn’t as thick as it used to be? Don’t worry you can still make those luscious locks look beautiful with these 4 Thin Hair Styling Secrets. Check out our YouTube video now for an in-depth tutorial on how to style thin hair!

Blow Dry Your Hair

Blow dry your hair to add volume.

Blow dry your hair to add volume.

A great way to volumize your hair is by blow-drying it to perfection! A product that we highly recommend you use is the Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer. In the tutorial above, our in-house expert, Barbie will show you how to properly use the tool to perfect various hairstyles. By blow-drying your hair against the direction it will lay, your roots will stand straight rather than fall down flat against your scalp. This will display a more volumized appearance! 

Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo adds texture to your hair.

Dry shampoo adds texture to your hair.

Dry shampoo is something that has grown extremely popular throughout the years especially for people who don’t have the time to wash their hair before any event. However, it is also a great product to use to add some volume to your hair. Dry Shampoo adds that desired volume without weighing your hair down or leaving an oily texture. By using dry shampoo when styling your hair it will leave a fresh, textured look that will make your hair look thicker than ever. We recommend the Biotin Boost Thickening Dry Shampoo!

Sleep With Satin Pillow Cover

A satin pillowcase is beneficial for your hair.

A satin pillowcase is beneficial for your hair.

A lot of times, we don’t realize our hair is thinning and losing it’s texture because of the way we sleep. When we sleep, our hair is fragile and may break as we move our head around our pillow. By investing in a satin pillowcase, your hair will break less frequently and will, instead of bending and breaking, glide around your pillow in a smooth fashion. Satin pillowcases eliminate breakage while also reducing frizz. Another benefit to this product is that the smooth type of pillowcases are beneficial to the skin and promote healthy facial skin.

Lose The Stress!

Stop stressing.

Stop stressing.

We all tend to take on too much than we can handle sometimes without even realizing it. You may not realize you’re stressed until you see the toll it is taking on your physical being. It is common for stress to lead to hair loss and other issues such as acne and skin issues. Take time out of each day to relax and time manage your work so that you are not working too hard. When combing your hair, you might realize that a lot more hair has been coming out recently than normal. Analyze your work life and situation to see if you are stressing yourself out and need to take a breather because those gorgeous locks should not be wasted on stress!

We hope you find the perfect solutions for thinning hair and can add some volume to your hair with these 4 secrets!