Balancing Being A Mom and Creating Balance with Work
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5 Tips to Managing Being a Mom and Balancing Your Life 

“Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.” —Brad Henry

1. Make time for each other - when the home team is strong you can together unify and raise really amazing children. Put each other first, communication is key with each other and that comes with making time for each other. Remember there was both of you before the kid/s and there will be both of you after the kid/s leave. Make each other a priority and then the kids.

2. Set a limit : now I know all of us want to be super moms and do it all for our kids. Like why can’t our kids have the best of it all and try it all so we give them the most opportunity to be in as many activities and sports and all! Don’t do it! Kids change their minds every season. Don’t make your life revolve around your kids schedules. Have their life revolve around yours. Limit activities to 2 per week  


  3. Use your calendar for work appointments and all other activities, appointments, reminders etc. Have you heard of the “time blocking rule” basically block out your time in appointments throughout the day whether it’s actually a work or personal appointment but also do the same for your to do check list whether it’s calling the doc for an appointment and picking up school supplies. No more “‘mommy you forgot or last minute stress” 

4. Take it day by day - do you ever feel over whelmed? That’s many of us moms. The easiest way to get through that is to not worry about what’s coming next week (ie that birthday party you’re Child is going to that you need a gift for) just worry about what’s your most important upcoming priorities and then when done move on to the next 


5. Give you’re kids some tasks and responsibility too! Whether 3 year old or 10 year old they are never too early to start helping around the house. Responsible kids = responsible adults. You are grooming them to be the future of the world and that starts at home. Intentionally giving them and holding them responsible for things teaches them gratitude, independence and unity in and outside of the home. Now that’s what I call a true strong “home team”